August 24, 2009

How I began my mission work!

All the nations will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name (Psam. 86:9).

Our Dhaka Assembly of God Church has been always mission minded Church, in obedience to the great commission of our Lord to go end of the World (Act. 1:8). In order that I was sent Singapore and later one Comilla, sponsoring by Dhaka Assembly of God Mission. Here is a reflecting report about my missionary experience that how I began work there.


I stopped, and picture my self for next day, for a day, for a week, for a month, for three month and for a year…where I will be; without vision I may make excuse or slow.

Ready to go

Every day I was outing six to eight hours from home. I was willing to spent at least one third of time, talent and money in outreach and mission (psam 90:1-2).

Strong will

I always run for some one to witnessing. Because Holy Spirit cannot work effectively when ill will and ill desire are running.


Some times normal people do not like to listen religious people but every one want friendship. God love can flow more through pastoral friendship. So I meet week after week or at least phone them three or four times in a week. When I was interest to them, they also open to Gospel. I maked many Bengali friends who ware coming for listen the good news. Then, if I stop but they runt to me.

Making group

Through the tracting, house visiting and by friendship, when I got some one, I ask them to come and invite their friends for sharing the gospel.


No mater where I working, what is the situation, God is very much interesting in the mission, if only we can cry unto Him. Prayer is a controlling toll for mission. Holy spirit will move. So that I prayed one to three hours for my friends through their name.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work in the Kingdom God with Dhaka Assembly of God Church. I hope and pray thousands of sols will save in the day to come. all the glory be unto God.